river bends - iimpindo

Word information
Part of speech noun
Plurality plural
Noun class i(n)/i(z)in
Note Source: F Magqashela, AC Jordan’s book titled Kwezo mpindo zeTsitsa (Along the Bends of the Tsitsa- Lovedale Press, 1974)
  • Cael Marquard
  • Chosi Ndabazomhlaba (CC BY-SA 4.0)

    Authored by ⁨Sinelethu Hashibi, Rosalie Tostevin, Ayabonga Mtsotso, and Fikiswa Magqashela⁩. Associated with ⁨University of Cape Town (funded by European Geoscience Union)⁩.

    Sharing stories about the South African geological record in isiXhosa