expanse of water - isithabazi
Part of speech | noun |
Plurality | singular |
Noun class | isi/izi |
Example sentences
Three and half billion years ago, when the Earth was in its infancy, the oceans stretched around the whole planet.
Xa umhlaba lo wawusaqaleka ukuvela, kwiminyaka ezizigidigidi ezithathu ezinesiqingatha eyadlulayo yayisisithabazi samanzi eelwandle kwisijikelezi-langa.
- Cael Marquard
Chosi Ndabazomhlaba (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Authored by Sinelethu Hashibi, Rosalie Tostevin, Ayabonga Mtsotso, and Fikiswa Magqashela. Associated with University of Cape Town (funded by European Geoscience Union).Sharing stories about the South African geological record in isiXhosa